The CERF Guidelines
Applicable To The Foreign Language Courses

The CEFR or CEFRL refers to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, and Assessment. These are basically guidelines which describe the achievements of foreign languages across Europe. These guidelines are also applicable to the languages that are spoken in other parts of the globe. The objectives of these guidelines are also to provide a learning methodology along with teaching and assessment of the languages spoken across Europe.

The CEFR includes three modes. These are


There are mainly four kinds of language activities. These are

  • Listening and Reading i.e. Reception
  • Written and Spoken i.e. Production
  • Spoken and Written i.e. Interaction
  • Translation and Interpreting i.e. Mediation


By domains, the CEFR guidelines describe the communicative competencies that are general and particular that can be analyzed from the production or reception of texts in various contexts and under various situations.


The various degrees of competencies that fall under the domains of CEFR includes Common Reference Levels viz. A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 etc.

Now let us discuss these levels in details.


The A Level (Basic User)

The A Level (Basic User)The A-level can be divided into two parts viz. A1 (Beginner Level) and A2 (Elementary Level). The A1 can understand basic phrases and expressions. They can introduce themselves and are able to express their personal details.


The B Level (Independent User)

The B Level (Independent User)The B level can be divided into two parts viz. B1 (Threshold or intermediate) and B2 (Vantage or upper intermediate). The B1 is able to clearly communicate about familiar matters encountered in schools, work etc. Additionally, they can describe events, dreams, hopes, explanations, plans etc.

The B2 is able to understand the complex text and abstract ideas including technical discussions. They are also able to discuss a variety of subjects also.


The C Level (Proficient User)

The C Level (Proficient User)The C level can be divided into two parts viz. C1 (Effective operational proficiency or advanced) and C2 (Vantage or upper intermediate). The C1 can understand long sentences and express ideas fluently and spontaneously.

The C2 can understand anything or everything no matter how difficult it is. They will also be able to summarize arguments and define complex situations.


The CEFR guidelines can also be compared with ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. The ACTFL is the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages to assess the proficiency of a foreign language speaker. These guidelines can be divided into different types of levels viz. novice, intermediate, advanced, superior and distinguished. These levels are further subdivided into low, mid and high in terms of proficiency. The levels of proficiency should be assessed in terms of the ability to listen, read, write and speak.

We at the Institute of International Teachers Training follow the CEFR guidelines and our certificates are also based on these guidelines. We do this as there are many organizations apart from us also who follow the CEFR guidelines.

When and while you are taking a course from our institute, we hope to train you so that you achieve the skills in the proper way. Additionally, adhering to the CEFR rules also force an institution to provide the best education.

At the same time while teaching we keep in mind the guidelines of ACTFL too as it helps us to maintain a dynamic mindset while teaching and assessing students in learning foreign languages.

After you have completed a course in foreign language from us, you can be sure that you will be able to pursue your dreams with the skills that you get from our institute.



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